New cards at GOG! February 11, 2011 18:48

This month we are featuring some of our own hand crafted cards using our own pressed flowers! It has always been a passion to create art and gifts using what nature has so blessed us with. I remember several years ago traveling to flea markets and trade shows all around Texas to sell framed art I made. Eventually, the traveling became too much for the four kids to deal with on their own so I brought the showcase to my home!
Who would have known years later, my kids (now all grown up) would eventually help me setup a website and thus form the beginning of Greetings of Grace?
Now that things are setup and running (with much help from the kids), I have the ability to make artwork and special gifts for friends and family -- including these cards!
Hope you can pick one up for yourself or give one to someone else who could use a little encouraging through the beauty of pressed flowers :-)